Your description here, try to keep it a certain length at least so that it fills up the box. One-liners won't look very pretty in an empty box.
Your description here, try to keep it a certain length at least so that it fills up the box. One-liners won't look very pretty in an empty box.
Your description here, try to keep it a certain length at least so that it fills up the box. One-liners won't look very pretty in an empty box. :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
First time blogging.
Credits to KynnSiaoSiao.
Cantek sekali!!
Talked to Kak Yaya just now.Ended the call abt 10-15 mins.
So bored right now.Leha is studying and the com at my bilik is spoilt.Waiting for secondary schools is soo long.I can`t stand it.Luq cannot lend me the com and bring it downstairs. -.-
So bored.Want to talk to Kak Yaya but she want to talk to Kak Yana before she sleeps.Haish..
I want to do something rather than going out shopping,playing com.I want to do something that cannot make my brain think!!Tomorrow,I am going to watch a movie!!!Planning to watch Princess & the frog.Currently messaging Nasrin.Now its like 2.38 am.I can`t sleep! Chatting with Zulfadli.Nasrin sleeping already..And now Zul is busy.So i only have my blog.Luq is already asleep.Who am i suppose to message?So bored.
Leha is like studying the whole day!And i like have no one to talk to!!If i call Kak Yaya,she will pick up the phine,but i just dun know what to talk about.Just bored right now.Leha is studying her MATHS as she passed.I`m still not sleepy yet!Aku tak tdo seyh tdi pgi or petang..Whatssup with my eyes..Btw just want to thanks KYNN!!For helping me do the blogg..Tak dtaggboard takp.Thanks alot!
10:41 AM
heyheyhey ((: , kynn here . Well nadiah ask me to update for her .
so here , idk what to say . iloveyou !
2:09 AM